- Network drive shows red x’s
- Files on desktop, documents, downloads grayed out
- N drive disconnects
- Windows explorer shows CSC-Cache as network drive filesystem
Solution #1: Clear Cache
- Add a registry entry
- Open regedit
- Traverse to the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Csc\Parameters
- If Parameters key does not exist under CSC you can create a new node with that name.
- Now in the Parameters node create a new registry value with the name FormatDatabase of type REG_DWORD (i.e DWord 32-bit value)
- Set the data in this new registry value to 1.
- Close registry editor.
- Reboot the machine
Solution #2: Disable Disconnect and Autotuning
- Windows will drop idle connections after a specified time-out period, I think it is 15 minutes by default, to prevent wasting resources. If you wish to turn off the auto-disconnect feature, type the following in an elevated command prompt and hit Enter.
net config server /autodisconnect:-1
- To turn off auto-tuning, open an elevated command prompt windows, type the following and hit Enter:
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
- To turn-off the auto-disconnect feature, you could also edit the Registry. Navigate to the following key and change the hex value of autodisconnect to ffffffff.